Arc 3.0 is one of the big new features in Destiny 2‘s new loot season, meaning that the game’s four subclasses can now be customized just like Stasis. This is exciting news for those who want more control over their characters, but the options you already have will expand. You may have noticed that several pieces of the Ark are locked, and there seems to be no way to access them. The Ikora Rey Journey will allow you to spend some time acquiring several additional grenades, but although there is no checkmark icon in the Fragments section, it does not offer any way to purchase the missing options.
This may seem like a bug at first glance, especially considering how many things have been broken (or overcome) this week, but instead, Bungie appears to be intentionally blocking certain pieces again. he is. The studio hasn’t said anything about how these pieces will look, but looking at previous seasons gives us a decent indication of what could happen.

locked Arc 3.0 pieces
In the case of the Solr 3.0 overhaul, many pieces were previously discontinued, similar to Arch 3.0. For the remaining parts to become available, the community had to collectively complete 20 million runs of Nightmare Containment, Season of the Haunted’s seasonal activity.
It’s possible that to unlock additional Arc Fragments, the community will need to complete a certain number of Catch Crashes or Campaigns, two new activities for Season of Loot, which unlock new map fragments and Treasure coordinates linked to currencies. Alternatively, it could be that the first completion of King’s Fall Red, which opens this week, will do the trick.
In any case, Bungie has not explained how and when we can access the new pieces. And although the Season 18 patch notes only list the works in question, inspecting your subclass reveals what the other four are and what they do. We will report back once we get confirmation on how to unlock these patches—locked Arc 3.0 pieces.
A spark of ions
- Defeating a shocking target creates an Ionic trace.
Dimension Spark
- Defeating targets quickly creates an orb of power when you’re boosted.
A spark of feedback
- Taking melee damage briefly increases your outgoing melee damage.
- +10 flexibility
A spark of brilliance
- Hitting a blinded target with precision damage creates a blinding blast.
- +10 intellect
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