Twitch launch Subchallenge – for Streamers

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The live stream platform Twitch has come up with something new and special for its streamers: the SUBchallenge. BGN reports what is behind it and why both viewers and streamers are not enthusiastic about it. Twitch reports that Sub challenge is a tiered giveaway incentive program, but this time for select streamers in the UK, France, Spain, Germany, and Italy.

The streaming platform launched its incentive program last September, during which subscriptions to events will be discounted. Creators who reach the subscriber goals of 100 to 5,000 members receive specific rewards at the end of the month, based on their final position. The cheap ones range from cheap Twitch-branded bags to full-featured streamer deck bags.

What is the SUB challenge? The SUBchallenge is about getting new subscribers for his Twitch channel. This is achieved when users give away subscriptions to the track or take out one themselves. Only the subscribers accumulated during the challenge period will count towards the rewards afterwards, not those the streamer already owns.

What are the rewards? Only the streamer gets the tips that viewers pay for them in the form of subscribers. There is a tier that determines what gifts the streamer will receive:

  • 250 subscriptions: Twitch beanie, Amazon voucher worth 20 euros
  • 750 subscriptions: Twitch tube scarf, Twitch metal mug, a ring light, Amazon voucher worth 20 euros
  • One thousand five hundred subscriptions: Twitch backpack, Twitch tube scarf, Amazon Fire TV Cube, Amazon voucher worth 35 euros.
  • Two thousand five hundred subscriptions: Twitch Beanie, Twitch Backpack, Twitch Water Bottle, Sonos One, $50 Amazon Gift Card.
  • Five thousand five hundred subscriptions: Twitch Beanie, Twitch Duffel Bag, Twitch Metal Mug, Twitch Water Bottle, Oculus Quest 2 + PC Compatible Cable, £50 Amazon Gift Card.

When does the SUBchallenge start? The challenge begins on April 11 at 12:01 AM and ends on April 24 at 11:59 PM.

Who can participate? Only official Twitch partners can register, i.e. those with a purple symbol with a tick after their name. A maximum of 300 partners can register for the challenge in Germany. Otherwise, it only takes place in England, France, Italy and Spain.

Community thinks rewards are disproportionate

What do streamers and the community say about it? The streamers and the community find the rewards disproportionate to the subscribers needed. The streamer Razzortainment found that almost 22,000 euros (with 5,500 subscriptions) had to be raised to receive gifts worth around 650 euros (via Twitter ).

Because the streamer only gets the gifts stored in the respective subscription category. For example, with 750 subscriptions, he receives the scarf, the metal cup, the ring light and the voucher for 20 euros, but not the additional rewards of the 250 subscriptions.

We have selected statements from the community and streamers for you:

  • Twitter user Liiiiin says: “Nah… kinda just noh. First of all, the ‘gains’ are pretty feeble and the bottom line is probably just pressure at times and frustration when you don’t hit the targets after all.”
  • The streamer trephine says: “I’m not taking part as a principle. For me, the sub-goals and ‘prices’ bear no relation to the costs for the community. And then ‘raffle off’ the Wums, I find rather hypocritical. I/Twitch get ~2000 € and the community a scarf as a thank you? Hm, probably not (via Twitter ).”
  • synthie_ sees it from a different perspective: “Twitch just sees it a bit differently – they assume anyway that sub-growth is one of the main goals of every streamer. They also offer a few goodies. Is that cool? Nope, but not a huge thing either (via Twitter ).”

Others complain that smaller partners are excluded from the promotion. They cannot generate such sums of subscriptions – so they do not receive any rewards either. This action is only for the older ones.

In addition, some users find it a pity that the community effectively has nothing from the rewards; although you can support your favourite streamer in this way, those who want to do so would do so anyway. With this campaign, Twitch does not meet with much approval from the streamers and the community.

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