Scorn update is now available to download on PC and Xbox One. According to the official Scorn patch notes, the latest update added various tweaks and changes.
Recently, the game was released with positive reviews. Unfortunately, players are experiencing several issues with the game. Today’s Scorn patch will fix a few of these issues.

The new update to Scorn has resolved several bugs with the game, including fixing a problem with the localization. There are a few other updates made to the game, including to the FSR 2.0 mode. You can get the details for this update with the patch. Visited BGN for more news and guides on various games.
Scorn Update Patch Notes
Fixed Bugs
- A player can get stuck in the hurt machine
- A player can get stuck in the collision after performing a glory kill
- After killing the Boss in Act V, players are unable to pick up the dropped item
- A player might die by falling through the floor at certain positions
Fixed Issues
- German localization issues
- Spanish localization issues
- FOV issues on ultrawide screens
- Position of the ammo/heal container when a player uses heal
- Capsule blockers on a bridge
- Act V loading issue
- Crash when exiting the game
- Occasional NPC freezes
- Various collisions cause issues
What is new in Scorn update
Updates and Additions
- Removed the Continue option after a player finishes the game
- Removed the Load and the Quit game options from the death screen
- Added safety check for a corrupted save slot
- Added Load last checkpoint option
- Added Act III-II hard save
- Updated checkpoint positions
- The updated list of the Kickstarter backers
- Updated Credits
- Updated FSR 2.0 label in the Options menu
- Updated parts of certain assets