Ghostwire: Tokyo Best Skills Guide

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Ghostwire: Tokyo Best Skills Guide

Ghostwire: Tokyo features an exciting take on first-person combat. Because the game’s enemies are Visitors, a form of the evil spirit, the encounters are not conventional; Instead of guns and melee weapons, you’ll use hand gestures and magical items to summon different supernatural abilities during battle. Surviving in Ghostwire: Tokyo is all about knowing which abilities to use and when. In this blog we dicuss Ghostwire: Tokyo Best Skills Guide.

Almost the entire game of Ghostwire: Tokyo revolves around the abilities that Akito can use, so it’s essential to get the best abilities first. Ghostwire: Tokyo challenges the classic FPS and RPG experience in several ways, but perhaps the unique aspect of the game is that everything Akito can use depends on his unlocked abilities, ethereal weaves, and gear. Other Bethesda games like Skyrim and Fallout don’t rely as strictly on what players have invested their skill points in, making Ghostwire: Tokyo stand out among the publisher’s other titles.

Some abilities offer a means of escape or a way to avoid death. Like the game’s Ethereal Weaving attacks, others will allow you to subdue, banish, or directly destroy enemies. These will need to be unlocked and upgraded before they become viable options during encounters. This is especially true during the first hours of the game.

Ghostwire: Tokyo gameplay

The early parts of Ghostwire: Tokyo focus more on the basic combat and gameplay mechanics present throughout the story, such as Core Grabs, movement, and stealth. Therefore, the best skill upgrades that players should get first in Ghostwire: Tokyo are skills that help open-world gameplay. Also, despite their importance as the game progresses, players should wait to upgrade anything from ethereal weave or team skill trees until skills that strengthen game mechanics are upgraded.

Ghostwire: Tokyo Best Skills

Story progressions will unlock several in-game abilities at their base levels, such as Amenokagami, Spectral Vision, and Core Grab. As players continue to level up quickly in Ghostwire: Tokyo, they will receive an additional ten skill points that can be used to upgrade any available skills. The first upgrade for most skills, ethereal weaves, and gear only costs ten skill points, but more robust upgrades sometimes cost up to 45 skill points. Instead of investing in an entire skill tree before moving on to the next, players must invest their skill points in a few different abilities, ethereal weaves, and equipment to power Akito up on all fronts early on. To help in that regard, we’ve listed some of the best starting skills and upgrades in Ghostwire: Tokyo below.

Tatenui Skill

One of the best abilities to grab first in Ghostwire is the Tatenui. When visitors attack you, you can block by holding down the L1 button on your controller. If you press it right before an attack arrives, it will perform a perfect block, staggering them while negating any incoming damage. However, once you unlock the Tatenui, you will also be able to obtain Ether, the magical material needed to perform Ethereal Weave attacks, every time you perform this move.

Running out of Ether during a given battle is not a big deal. However, there are times when the number of enemies will skyrocket to the point where managing this resource becomes essential. The last thing you want to happen is to be left with nothing while taking on a bunch of tough opponents. Because of this, adding another means of gathering this vital material early on makes the Tatenui ability a solid investment.

Hakkei Skill

If landing perfect blocks is too tricky, you can always go for Hakkei. This ability produces Ether by making blows with the palm. Run towards a Visitor and press the right stick to perform the move. Now, you’ll still need to be very close to an enemy spirit, and you won’t get as much aether as you would using the Tatenui, but you won’t have to rely on time either.

Honestly, I’d take Tatenui and Hakkei’s abilities. The less you have to worry about Ether during combat, the better. Speaking of close combat, it’s important to remember that your elemental attack resources (ammo) are limited. While you find Jizo statues worldwide to increase your overall uses of each item, you’ll likely run out of them a few times. You can hit floating crystallized items around town to get aether that replenishes your resources, but they can be hard to find in chaotic battles. With all of this in mind, it’s a good idea to pick up Hakkei as soon as possible so your melee hits will produce aether for you to absorb.

Fudo Skill

As mentioned in our Ghostwire: Tokyo beginner tips, Fudo is a great skill to unlock early. This is because he extends the time an enemy’s core (or heart) is exposed during battle.

When a visitor takes a certain amount of damage, he will be placed in a vulnerable state with an exposed core. The game will encourage you to extract the core, destroying the enemy forcibly. Unfortunately, this maneuver takes a long time to complete. It can also be interrupted by incoming attacks. The Fudo ability can mitigate some of that by extending the time you can extract, allowing you to prioritize surrounding enemies before going back to the weakened opponent.

The Fudo ability allows you to have multiple enemies in this weakened state at once. Simultaneously mining multiple cores is a quick way to clear an area of ​​bad guys. Just make sure no stragglers are running around, or they could interrupt the process. Fudo I extends the exposure time to 1.75x, while Fudo II extends it to 2.5x. Both can be purchased without the need for special Magatama items, making them a high priority in the early hours of the game. Even with these upgrades though, always make sure to put some distance between yourself and any aggressive enemies before starting an extraction just to be safe.

Kukurihime Skill

The next ability I would pick is the Kukurihime. Complements the Fudo ability by speeding up the core extraction rate by 1.5x. This may not sound like much, considering it’s only shrinking for a few seconds. However, it doesn’t feel that way in the heat of battle. Being able to core an enemy before they attack you, giving you plenty of time to pull off a perfect block, shows the level of crowd control those extra seconds provide.

Like Fudo, Kukurihime is so important due to the fact that enemies can attack you while you’re mining, and that can make for a very frustrating experience in battle. This ability improves the speed of all extractions, making it a vital item early in your adventure and should make your life a lot easier.

Takehaya Skill

Several of Ghostwire: Tokyo’s main abilities are automatically unlocked throughout the game. In these cases, the goal shifts from unlocking abilities to upgrading them. Take the Takehaya or charge attack, for example. This ability allows you to charge up your wind-based power to launch two strong attacks in quick succession. The problem is that it has to be fully charged to be the most effective.

You can slightly improve this stat by upgrading the Takehaya to level 2. Doing so will shorten the charge time by 25%, making it less likely to be interrupted by an enemy attack. This is a lifesaver when surrounded by multiple Visitors, as it tends to expose their core or knock them down.

Note: Takehaya works differently depending on the item you are using. We’re discussing the effects of Wind attacks because that’s the element you start with. Things change a bit once you’ve unlocked Fire and Water.

Shinatsuhiko Skill

The Takehaya is great against weaker enemies. Harder variants may require follow-up attacks before being subdued. This is where the Shinatsuhiko ability comes into play, increasing the number of Wind attacks from 2 to 3.

Unlocking this ability will make dealing with larger, umbrella-wielding visitors more manageable. It will also allow you to split your attacks, landing two on one enemy before hitting an enemy trying to get back on their feet.

Omoigane II Skill

So far, the skills we’ve mentioned are mostly used during combat. However, some can help you avoid a fight. The Omoigane ability, for example, grants spectral vision, an ability used to find clues, secret areas, and detect enemies through walls. It’s Ghostwire: Tokyo Detective mode or Spidey’s sense.

Omoigane is quite useful. It is automatically unlocked throughout the game and one of the best abilities available. Upgrading it to level two offers a significant boost by increasing its range. Thanks to this ability, you won’t accidentally cross paths with a group of Visitors or get lost when following a Yokai.

Inubashiri Skill

It’s not enough to be able to see enemies through walls. You’ll also want to sneak up behind them to perform a silent takedown. However, movement while crouching is painfully slow. Several times, a Visitor turned in my direction just as he was about to attack.

Fortunately, the Inubashiri ability helps by increasing movement speed while crouching by 30%. You will not zoom everywhere. However, you will be able to take out multiple enemies within a certain area before they detect you.

Daikoku Skill

Allows you to carry more consumables than normal (up to five of each item). The first few hours are not meant to be difficult; Much of the first chapter comprises various tutorials. While your mileage may vary in this regard, you probably won’t end up using too many of the health items scattered throughout Tokyo.

Because of this, you are likely to run out of inventory space. The Daikoku ability somewhat negates this problem. It won’t stop you from filling your pockets, but it will reduce some of the backtrackings you’ll have to do by making sure you can grab most of everything in sight.

Michikiri Skill

You’ll spend a significant amount of your journey through Tokyo absorbing spirits to trade for XP and currency. Unless you enjoy holding down a button for an extended time, you’ll want to invest early in Michikiri, which drastically reduces how long it takes to absorb spirits.

Michikiri I boosts your spirit absorption rate by 1.5x, while Michikiri II boosts it by 3x. Even better, both can be purchased during the game’s opening hours. While they may not be vital – they won’t improve your combat potential after all – they are still great investments for saving precious time.

Amenokagami Skill

As you explore Tokyo, you’re sure to discover that many of its best-kept secrets involve going up on rooftops. Reaching those heights is a fairly simple process of dealing with one of the many tengu yokai flitting around the city, but efficiently navigating up there requires an investment in Amenokagami, which extends the duration of his glide ability.

Amenokagami I only gives you a short 2 seconds of flight, so you have to be very vigilant when moving through wide spaces. Amenokagami II extends that flight time to 3 seconds, which doesn’t sound like much but can make a surprisingly big difference. You won’t be able to score Amenokagami III until you’ve gathered a handful of Magatama, but his 5 second fly time is something to look forward to.

Ghostwire: Tokyo – Best Abilities To Unlock First

These are the abilities that players should get first in Ghostwire: Tokyo:

  • Step 1: Unlock Core Grab: Speed Boost
  • Step 2: Unlock Core Exposure: Duration Boost
  • Step 3: Unlock Core Exposure: Duration Boost II
  • Step 4: Unlock Core Grab: HP Restoration
  • Step 5: Unlock Core Grab: HP Restoration II
  • Step 6: Unlock Spectral Vision: Range Boost
  • Step 7: Unlock Glide: Duration Boost
  • Step 8: Unlock Faster Sneaking

By the time players unlock all of these skills, Akito should have reached level 10. Most of them cost only ten skill points to upgrade, but Core Grab: HP Restoration II and Core Exposure: Duration Boost II cost 15 each. As players complete their Ghostwire: Tokyo game for the first time, the first three abilities will ensure they can grab cores from Visitors without being interrupted or rushed into combat. The next two abilities have to do with restoring the health of Core Grabs.

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