Archero Guide: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

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Archero guide: Beginner Tips & Tricks, Best equipment, weapons 2020

If you’re just starting to play Archero, this guide is for you. In this article, we will provide you with some beginner tips and tricks to help you become a pro at the game. Archero is a challenging game, but with some additional knowledge, you can have a lot of fun playing it.

Archero is a roguelite game, which means that you start over as soon as you die. You gain new talents as you level up and eventually gain access to new gear, which will be essential for your progress. To succeed in Archero, you need to develop your skills and arsenal. In this guide, we will cover everything from basic gameplay to hero levels, skill menus, abilities, and talents.

Archero is a deceptively simple game, but entering new classes can be extremely difficult without the correct knowledge. To help you move forward, we’ve put together this Archero guide, covering everything from basic gameplay to skill menus and hero levels for beginners and warriors alike.

While this article serves as a general-purpose Archero’s Guide that’s packed with helpful tips and tricks, we’ve put together two more that you can check out below. Without further ado, here’s everything you need to know about Archero’s gameplay, heroes, abilities, talents, and more!

Archero Guide: Tips & Tricks

Know Your Enemies

Knowing your enemies’ attacks is crucial in Archero. Different enemies have different attack patterns, and learning them will help you make progress in the game. Some enemies fire directly in front of them, some at a diagonal, and others delay their fire. Take some time to learn these patterns, and you’ll find it much easier to progress.

Best Early Abilities

When you level up in Archero, you get to choose an ability. Here are some of the abilities we recommend when you’re starting out:

  • Ricochet: Your arrows bounce between monsters, making it a great ability to have when fighting weaker bosses.
  • Front Arrow: Fires an additional arrow in front of you for each boost you have of this ability.
  • Attack Speed: Faster attacks are always a welcome addition.
  • Blaze: Does extra damage when you land a shot.
  • Bloodthirst: Restores some health on kills.

Standing Still When You’re Safe

If you know the enemy’s attack pattern, you can stand still and launch attacks whenever it is safe to do so. A good example of this is the trunks of the trees you fight in the first zone. They always throw leaves forward, backward, left and right. So if you’re standing a little at an angle away from them. You will be safe by shooting as many arrows as possible.

Always Try to Upgrade at Angels

Unless you are really low on health, try to select the upgrade at the Angels. You will hopefully either get healed by killing an enemy, or by having an ability.

Archero Equipment Guide: Play to Your Style

Min-maxers may want to jump right to the best possible Archero equipment, but the differences between options are generally small. All weapons, armor, pets, and other equipment are viable, so to have the most fun with the game pick the ones you enjoy the most.

There is another caveat to mention before we get to the category lists. For starters, the best weapon, armor, etc. from Archero will be the rarest option I have collected and leveled. Epic teams get additional stats that generally do much better than common, cool, or rare teams.

With that out of the way, let’s head over to our Archer Gear Guide, starting with weapons.

Best Archero weapon

Archero’s first major gear choice is your weapon. As mentioned above, all weapons are applicable and the best option for you will depend on your play style.

If you like attacking at super fast speed, then a saw blade will be more fun for you. If you prefer slow attacks that deal massive damage, try the Death Scythe.

Below is a simple list of Archero weapon classes with the pros and cons of each weapon. They’re more or less listed based on strength, although the best Archero weapon for you depends on your personal preferences and your luck with drop rates.

Brightspear-High damage
-Near instant travel time
-Very easy to use
-Slow attack animation
-Weak knockback
Stalker Staff-Attacks follow targets
-Very strong with diagonal arrows
-High damage with the right abilities
-Easy to use
-Projectiles are slow
-Very reliant on abilities
-May bog down older smartphones
Death Scythe-Highest damage
-Large projectile hitbox
-Big knockback
-Very slow attack speed
-Slow projectile speed
Tornado-Built-in pierce and bouncy effects
-Large projectile hitbox
-Great early weapon
-Weak against bosses
-Can be difficult to hit
Saw Blade-Fastest attack speed
-Great with headshot ability
-Low damage
-Small projectile hitbox
-Hard to stutter step
Brave Bow-Easy to stutter step
-Fast projectiles
-Synergizes with crit builds
-Outclassed by other weapons
-Small projectile hitbox

Best Archero armor

When it comes to armor, your best bet from the start is the rare gear you have. Once you get to more difficult chapters, there is a clear winner, although most of the options still apply depending on your play style.

Once upgraded to rare, all shields gain 20% Red Hearts healing and in Saga gain a unique ability. However, basic skill is usually the deciding factor. Here’s a simple list of Archero Armor levels, again listed in order of strength.

Vest of Dexterity-7% dodge makes it the clear best choice
-Lightning damage is a decent addition
Golden Chestplate-5% damage resistance moderately useful
-Flame damage is a decent addition
Phantom Cloak-10% damage reduction but only for projectiles
-Freeze only applies when hit
Void Robe-10% crash damage reduction is the least useful
-Poison damage is a decent addition

Best Archero pets/spirits

When it comes to pets (or spirits), you have a lot of freedom to choose which animals you like best. You can choose two, and if you have a favorite, you can even equip two of the same Archero pet, although it will be difficult to combine them.

All Archero animals receive the same rewards in rare and epic cases, and they are all the same size when blocking projectiles with Wing Ability. However, its damage will be minimal as you progress, so don’t prioritize levelling it over weapons or armor.

Without going into a complete list, it is generally accepted that the best archer is the laser bat. Not only can its attacks penetrate walls, it almost guarantees projectile impact with near-instantaneous travel time. Sickle Mage and Elf are also applicable, but Live Grenade’s attacks are too slow to deliver reliable damage.

Best Archero rings

Archero Loops have very little impact on the game but provide useful power-ups to help you stay alive or deal damage. In terms of base damage to Max, bear and hawk are the only two options that work against bosses. The bosses are not counted as united or fought, so the wolf and the snake do not work.

However, these initial damage boosters are negligible compared to the flat supports obtained in rare and higher cases. This makes the Snake Ring the best option, with a 7% dodge that could change the game. You can also wear two matching rings for a 14% dribble chance, which could be the difference between life and death in hectic moments.

Like the spirits mentioned above, upgrading the Archero rings won’t make much of a difference, so it’s best to save your coins for other upgrades.

Best Archero lockets and bracelets

The last pieces of Archero gear you’ll unlock are medals and bracelets. We won’t go into a complete list of them either, but there are a few things to keep in mind once you open them. Regarding bracelets, the best choice for you depends on your playing style. Frozen Armband offers superb crowd control with the highest rarity, and Thunder Armband is your best bet on raw damage.

As for Archero lockets, the clear winner is the agile locket, which increases dodge when below 20% HP. The dodge stat is Archero’s only get-out-of-jail-free card, and it should never be underestimated.

Both lockets and bracelets are worth leveling up as soon as you have enough scrolls, as they provide always-useful boosts to max HP and attack. Locket and bracelet scrolls are quite rare though, so don’t expect to level them quickly.

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By Robert
Embarking on his freelance writing journey in June 2017, Robert's fervent connection with gaming traces back to a transformative encounter with Final Fantasy VII at the border of his gaming odyssey.
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